Finishing & Warranty Information
For Wood Doors Only
The Scobis Company offers a 2 year limited warranty including parts and labor. For this warranty to remain in effect doors must be finished and maintained according to the following procedures. If these guidelines are followed, we will repair or replace at our option, if it fails due to workmanship.
General Warranty
It is important to understand that cosmetic details such as variations in the color, texture and grain pattern of wood, slight differences in the patinas on hardware products and their tendency to wear more where they are used heavily are subjective determinations not covered under warranty. All Glass and Hardware are subject to manufacturers warranties, labor is not covered.
Door Warranty
Subject to the conditions and restrictions listed below, all stile-and-rail doors manufactured by The Scobis Company meet or exceed industry standards and are warranted for two years from the date of shipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship.
Upon receipt of one or more of our doors, it is recommended that you inspect the door or doors as soon as possible. You should be checking:
1. For the possibility of transportation damage.
2. To verify that you received what you ordered.
3. That each door is flat and straight and has no defects.
If a door is determined to be defective, The Scobis Company must be notified within 30 days. Upon written notification of the defect and upon inspection by The Scobis Company, we will at our option:
1. Repair the door, or
2. Provide a replacement part or parts for the door, or
3. Provide a replacement door.
A replacement door or part will be as originally purchased from The Scobis Company, and specifically does not include freight, finishing or installation charges.
To clarify further: if a visible and/or apparent defect exists upon your receipt and inspection of a door or doors from The Scobis Company, it is imperative that we be notified before any further costs are incurred on that door or doors. We will not assume any liability for those costs.
The Scobis Company will not be responsible for any door repaired or replaced without the prior written notification and approval.
Claims due to warp may be deferred for up to 12 months from the date of the claim in order to allow the door the opportunity to return to its original form once it has acclimated to local humidity and temperature conditions. The deferral will not be counted against the warranty period.
Warp shall not be considered a defect unless it exceeds 1/4" in the plane of the door. Warp is measured by placing a straight edge or a taut string on the concave face of the door and determining the maximum distance from the straight edge or string to the door face. The door must be properly hung and finished with all six surfaces being sealed. Warp must occur in the door itself, and not be the result of an improperly installed jamb or a wall out of plumb.
Doors must be sealed no more than 24 hours after installation.
To assure uniform moisture exposure and dimensional control, all surfaces must be treated equally.
Before applying first finish coat, sand entire surface lightly with 220 grit sand paper.
Clean entire door with a lint free cloth after sanding.
Some woods contain chemicals which react unfavorably with certain finishes causing dark stain spots. Where possible, the finish selection should be tested prior to application.
Applying a wood conditioner to the product prior to sanding will help to reduce color variations that are natural characteristics of all wood.
Properly finish entire door. Coat top, bottom, sides and panel edges. Failure to seal all edges will void the warranty.
We suggests a minimum of (3) three coats of an exterior finish with UV inhibitors.
The suns UV rays, will overtime, break down theses inhibitors and will require recoating.
Lightly sand with 220 grit sandpaper between each coat. Remove dust before recoating. Minimum of three coats required.
i. To paint you door, use a solvent-based primer and compatible solvent-based finish coat.
ii. A minimum of three coats is recommended.
Stain and clear finishes perform better if protected from the sunlight and weathering
Exterior door finishes may deteriorate with exposure to the environment. Inspect finish at least once a year. Refinish as needed. As with the initial application of finish, all edges and both faces of doors must be re-coated. Failure to maintain doors as prescribed will void warranty.
High temperature (due to direct sunlight) develops in the space created by using a storm door. This excessive heat can cause the panels to split. Thus, storm doors are not recommended and will void the warranty.
Exclusions to Warranty:
Installations are covered for a period of 60 days.
· Damage caused by others, or by any cause outside the control of The Scobis Company, including but not limited to damage caused by misuse, abuse, accident, mishandling, or by fire, flood, earthquake, storm, or other acts of nature.
· Warp for glass lite doors more than 7 feet in height or 3 feet in width.
· Warp for any door over 8 feet in height and 4 feet in width.
· Performance or appearance of our finish, or a field-applied finish.
· Variations in the color or texture of the wood, as well as knots in the wood.
· Misuse" of a door includes, but is not limited to, using a door on part of a building without providing adequate overhang or an appropriate finish color. Adequate overhang depends on the typical weather conditions of the area where the door is to be used, but at the very minimum means an overhang projecting a distance from the structure equal to one half the distance between the bottom of the door and the bottom of the overhang at the point which is farthest from the door.
· Damage caused by failing to comply with The Scobis Company Handling, Finishing and Installation instructions.
· Failure to perform normal maintenance, including maintaining the finish.
· Product failure due to improper installation.
· Surface checks or glue line separations less than 1/16" in width.
· Wood, being a natural material will expand and contract based upon seasonal changes. Panel shrinkage and misalignment which leaves an unfinished line along the edge of a panel is not a decect. Expansion and contraction and/or movement of the door due to changes in temperature and humidity are not defects.
· Water infiltration.
· Wood sills.
· Doors not sealed on all six surfaces.